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Autor Tópico: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle  (Lida 6197 vezes)

Offline AVGWarren

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Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Online: Outubro 08, 2008, 07:48:54 pm »
¡Buenas tardes y saludo!

Escribo esto a usted como las Operaciones el representante de Office del IL-2 Sturmovik: escuadrón de 1946, el Grupo de Voluntario americano o el =AVG =. nos gustaría invitar su escuadrón a escuadrón múltiple "minicampaña" basada para una semana de largo, 24/7 guerra. Comienzo Novemeber 3.
Lo que pensamos es que nosotros podríamos conseguir unos escuadrones juntos y sólo tenerlo en una campaña cerrada con llave, t-1 servidor durante una semana. La campaña sería automáticamente generada y el mapa reinicializaría a cada pareja de horas para mostrar los objetivos de misión completados hasta ahora. Nada serio, estamos seguros que habrá muchas vueltas para ser encontradas; ser calculado en la campaña de la primera semana. Estamos seguros que algunas cosas van y no trabajar el modo al cual ellos son supuestos, pero esto no será un acontecimiento solo. Nos gustaría seguir haciendo a éstos semana mucho tiempo las guerras, y cambiar lados o usar formatos completamente diferentes no serían una cuestión. Los juegos de avión, carga de ordenanza outs, mapa, ajustes de dificultad de servidor, etc. están todos abiertos para la suposición. Nos gustaría guardarlo en algún sentido histórico, pero con un esfuerzo enorme en la fabricación de esto desafiando para todos, aún guardando los objetivos de ganancia de campaña muy equilibrados. Habrá algo para cada uno no importa el tiempo de día/noche o semana. Naturalmente, tanteos separados serían rastreados para la campaña. Esperamos sólo ver si hay interés de su organización y o suposiciones para hacerlo más atractivo a los miembros de su escuadrón. Nuestro primer tema será Japón y América, hasta ahora los escuadrones follwing están a bordo. ESC401, NGW, TTU y el FKD.

Si usted tiene un escuadrón de hermana que también gustaría estar implicado, por favor haga pasar esto a ellos también. ¡¡Muchas gracias por su tiempo y pensamos con mucha ilusión en sus respuestas!!!

Mi dirección de correo electrónico es; Bythor_abg@hotmail.com
Por favor no dude en visitar nuestros foros en; http://www.virtualaces.net
Warren Robinson =AVG=Warren,
Grupo de Voluntario americano

Las alas de la guerra son una campaña dinámica de 24 horas, de 7 días continua para IL-2 Sturmovik:1946 4.08 m en una conexión t-1 usando a Comandante de Servidor de IL-2 (IL-2SC) y Generador de Campaña Dinámico de Lowengrin (DCG). Las Alas del Servidor de guerra irán en línea a 0001 horas; 0h01 la Hora oficial del Este el lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008 e irá fuera de línea a 0001 horas; 12h01 Hora oficial del Este el siguiente el lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008. El servidor reinicializará cada dos horas para guardar las Alas de guerra Objetivos de Misión Generados corrientes y modernos. Una misión de dos horas igualará un día de campaña. Al final de un período de semana coincidiremos tanteos para determinar al vencedor. Las condiciones de victoria y los objetivos para cada misión son determinados por el generador de misión. La sesión informativa contendrá informes de conflictos en varias áreas del mapa. Usted tendrá que volar en la defensa de sus unidades de tierra cuando ellos serán atacados por el enemigo en la tierra y en el aire. Los informes de la actividad del día anterior serán mostrados junto con la sesión informativa de misión.

1.) Cada escuadrón participante debe tener 1 Representitive registrado en en el Foro Wings~of~War.
2.) Todos los participantes deben ser puestos en una lista como un miembro de escuadrón activo en la lista de su sitio Web.
3.) habrá un límite de 60 pilotos por lado en el servidor en cualquier momento.
4.) Todos los pilotos volarán con las marcas apropiadas

Marcándole debe sobrevivir y RTB para conseguir el 100 % de su resultado. Sólo le concederán el 10 % de su resultado si usted se lanza en paracaídas o muere en el combate.

Victorias Aéreas
1 Avión de Motor: 100 puntos
2 Aviones de Motor: 200 puntos
3 Aviones de Motor: 300 puntos
4 Aviones de Motor: 400 Barcos

Objetivo de Tierra de puntos:
200 Tanques de puntos:
50 puntos Avión Estático:
30 Coches de puntos:
30 Artillería de puntos:
30 puntos AAA:
30 Carros de puntos:
30 puntos Sientan Tiempos las Alas del Servidor de guerra son establecidas para gobernarse significando que sentar tiempos, los aviones ordenance cargan outs, etc.. son manejados por IL2SC.

Vuelva para Basar:

5 minutos para rearman y ponen carburante a la Fianza del Avión con la Fuga:
Muerte de 10 minutos o Fianza de Avión con Captura:
pueden tener acceso a Información de Servidor de 15 minutos el servidor vía el Nombre del servidor de Hipervestíbulo:

Alas de Descripción de guerra: IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 4.08 m - Usando al Comandante de Servidor de IL-2 y el Generador de Campaña Dinámico las Alas del Servidor de Maniobras de guerra dirección de IP es

Good afternoon and salute!

I am writing this to you as the Operations Office representative of the IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 squadron, the American Volunteer Group or the =AVG=.

We would like to invite your squadron to a multiple squadron based “mini-campaign” for a week long, 24/7 war. Starting Novemeber 3.

What we are thinking is that we could get a few squadrons together and just have it out in a locked campaign, T-1 server for a week. The campaign would be automatically generated and the map would reset every couple of hours to show the completed mission objectives to date. Nothing serious, we are sure there will be a lot of kinks to be found; to be worked out in the first week’s campaign. We are sure some things will and won’t work the way that they are supposed to, but this won’t be a single event. We would like to continue doing these week long wars, and swapping sides or using completely different formats would not be an issue.

Aircraft sets, ordinance load outs, map, server difficulty settings, etc. are all open for suggestion. We would like to keep it in some historical sense but with a huge effort in making it challenging for all, yet keeping the campaign winning objectives very balanced.

There will be something for everybody no matter the time of day/night or week. Naturally, separate scores would be tracked for the campaign.

We are just looking to see if there is any interest from your organization and or suggestions to make it more appealing to your squadron’s members.

Our first theme will be Japan and America, so far the follwing squadrons are on board. NGW, TTU and the FKD.

If you have a sister squadron that would also like to be involved, please pass this along to them as well.

Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to your replies!!!

My e-mail address is; Bythor_abg@hotmail.com
Please feel free to visit our forums at; http://www.virtualaces.net

Warren Robinson
=AVG=Warren, Major
American Volunteer Group

Wings of War is a continuous 24 hour, 7 day dynamic campaign for IL-2 Sturmovik:1946 4.08m on a T-1 connection using IL-2 Server Commander (IL-2SC) and Lowengrin's Dynamic Campaign Generator (DCG). The Wings of War Server will go online at 0001 hours; 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on Monday, 3 November 2008 and will go offline at 0001 hours; 12:01 p.m. Eastern Standard Time the following Monday, 10 November 2008. The server will reset every two hours to keep the Wings of War Generated Mission Objectives current and up to date. A two hour mission will equal one campaign day. At the end of the one week period we will tally the scores to determine the victor.

The victory conditions and objectives for each mission are determined by the mission generator. The briefing will contain reports of conflicts in various areas of the map. You will need to fly in defense of your ground units as they will be attacked by enemy on the ground and in the air. Reports of the previous day’s activity will be displayed along with the mission briefing.


1.) Each participating squadron must have 1 Representitive registered on at the Wings~of~War Forum.
2.) All participants must be listed as an active squadron member on their website’s roster.
3.) There will be a limit of 60 pilots per side in the server at any one time.
4.) All pilots will fly with the appropriate markings


You must survive and RTB to get 100% of your score. You will only be awarded 10% of your score if you bail out or die in combat.

Aerial Victories

1 Engine Aircraft: 100 points
2 Engine Aircraft: 200 points
3 Engine Aircraft: 300 points
4 Engine Aircraft: 400 points

Ground Targets

Ships: 200 points
Tanks: 50 points
Static Aircraft: 30 points
Cars: 30 points
Artillery: 30 points
AAA: 30 points
Wagons: 30 points

Sit Out Times

The Wings of War Server is set up to govern itself meaning that the sit out times, aircraft ordenance load outs, etc.. are handled by IL2SC.

Return to Base: 5 minutes for rearm and refuel
Bail from Aircraft with Escape: 10 minutes
Death or Bail from Aircraft with Capture: 15 minutes

Server Information

The server can be accessed via HyperLobby

Server Name: Wings of War

Description: IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 4.08m - Using IL-2 Server Commander and the Dynamic
Campaign Generator

The Wings of War Game Server IP address is

Server Settings

difficulty SeparateEStart 1
difficulty ComplexEManagement 1
difficulty EngineOverheat 1
difficulty TorqueGyroEffects 1
difficulty FlutterEffect 1
difficulty WindTurbulence 1
difficulty StallsSpins 1
difficulty Vulnerability 1
difficulty BlackoutsRedouts 1
difficulty RealisticGunnery 1
difficulty LimitedFuel 1
difficulty LimitedAmmo 1
difficulty HeadShake 1
difficulty CockpitAlwaysOn 1
difficulty NoInstantSuccess 1
difficulty Clouds 1
difficulty RealisticLandings 1
difficulty TakeoffLanding 1
difficulty NoPadlock 1
difficulty NoMapIcons 1
difficulty NoMinimapPath 1
difficulty NoSpeedBar 0
difficulty NoOutsideViews 0
difficulty NoIcons 1

Note: IL2SC Settings are available upon request.

Additional Information

The Wings of War Stats, Scores, and Forums, are located at www.virtualaces.net
The Wings of War TeamSpeak Server IP address is 8767

Offline =FN=Lorena

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #1 Online: Outubro 08, 2008, 08:33:28 pm »
look´s nice ^^    i´m in ;o)

Pentium D945 3.4@4.4,zalman 9500led,GA-P35C-DS3R ,seventeam 550w,4gb ddr-2 800@1040 OCZ reaper 4-4-4-15(5-5-5-18), EVGA GF8800gts640(630/2000),200gb SATA 3gb,24'wide kds,microsoft FFB2,intelli 1.1,razer mantis control,trackir4

Offline =FN=Montoro

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #2 Online: Outubro 08, 2008, 08:46:26 pm »
sounds very very nice....lol  B)  ^_^ that makes two of us...count me in!

interessante isso ai hein gente, um campeonato q dura uma semana inteira......a partir do dia 3 de novembro...
eu fiquei afim de participar....podem contar comigo  :ph34r:

Def Leppard


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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #3 Online: Outubro 08, 2008, 09:04:27 pm »
great, I`m in too....ready for battle!

Eu também gostaria muito de participar, é quase uma guerra real. Rsrsrsrsrs.... 

Seria muito bom para inicio da minha carreira de piloto no esquadrão...e alem disso uma bela aula de combate em tempo real de guerra.   

Offline Sylar

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #4 Online: Outubro 09, 2008, 11:58:40 am »
Essa foi interessante.
Não espere nada cair do céu, derrube você mesmo.

"Quando todas as armas forem propriedades do governo e dos bandidos, que na verdade são a mesma coisa, estes decidirão de quem serão as outras propriedades."
- Benjamin Franklin

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #5 Online: Outubro 09, 2008, 12:24:00 pm »
Gostei tambem
acho que to nessa

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #6 Online: Outubro 09, 2008, 06:15:01 pm »
Se poder voar a partir das duas da madruga tô dentro.

Offline AVGWarren

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #7 Online: Outubro 12, 2008, 10:27:52 pm »
Thank you for your interest.

Starting tonight, right after midnight the Wings~of~War server will be up for a week long test run. Monday morning the 13th. untill Sunday night the 19th.

Server is unpassworded and will be open to the public.
Please feel free to fly both sides and whatever aircraft there are availible.

This test will be played with a "balanced 1945 aircraft set."
Server stats will be recorded.

Its a test and all are welcome so go in there and have fun.  Get a feel for what to exspect.
We hope to see you all in the server for the test and over at the Wings~of~War froum soon.

Warren Robinson

Obrigado pelo seu interesse.

Começando esta noite, diretamente depois da meia-noite o servidor Wings~of~War estará no fim para o teste de uma semana de longitude dirigido. Na segunda-feira pela manhã o 13o. não até noite de domingo o 19o.

O servidor é unpassworded e estará aberto ao público.
Por favor sinta-se gratuito de voar ambos os lados e tudo o que o avião lá são availible.

Este teste será jogado "com um 1945 jogo de avião equilibrado."
O servidor stats será registrado.

O seu um teste e todos são bem-vindos assim entram lá e divertem-se. Adquira-se uma sensação para que a exspect.
Esperamos ver todos vocês no servidor do teste e no Wings~of~War froum logo.

Warren Robinson

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #8 Online: Outubro 13, 2008, 09:00:31 pm »
To dentro, mas não posso dar certeza dos horários que poderei voar.....digamos que estou no departamento médico da nossa base e que ainda não tenho condições de vôo, mas de repente quem sabe eu engano meu médico e consigo permissão para combate??? então pode me inscrever nesse trem aí ok !!!! cadê o chefe??? Macbare, where are you ...

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #9 Online: Outubro 13, 2008, 10:44:54 pm »
tb tô nessa, ando meio enrolado na facu mas da pra arrumar um tempinho....pra mim fica mais facil voar a noite, depois das 21:00.


o servidor vai ficar online a semana inteira, eu sugiro  fazer um treino de formação de combate e terminar o treino online nesse servidor esse fim de semana..o q vcs acham?


Def Leppard

Offline AVGWarren

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Re: Salute from the =AVG= squadron and invitation to battle
« Resposta #10 Online: Outubro 22, 2008, 09:21:44 pm »
Im atrás. lolol

El tratar de conseguir todo este apuntaló, Phillies en esta noche (vaya Phils) y me voy durante una semana del salto sólido en las Bahamas en 2 días offically.:o

La prueba de servidor fue bien, abierta al público así allí donde muchos visiter. curiosos heheh Anyways para hacer este rápido, si usted tipos todavía está interesado, por favor pasan por el foro Wings~of~War para escoger su lado, avión, etc......

¡¡Saludo y esperanza verle en los cielos!!

Im back.  lolol

Trying to get this all shored up, Phillies on tonight (go Phils) and I leave for a week of solid diving in the Bahamas in 2 days offically.  :o

The server test went well, open to the public so there where lots of curious visiter. heheh Anyways to make this quick, if you guys are still interested, please stop by Wings~of~War forum to pick your side, aircraft, etc.....

Salute and hope to see you in the skies!!